"I was just earning Rs 2000 as salary in 1988, so failure didn’t bother me at all. If you have passion and combine it with hard work and dedication, someday you will succeed. That is the philosophy in which I started my ventures”, remarks GSK Velu founder and CMD of Trivitron Healthcare, the largest integrated medical technology company in India. Featured on CNBC-TV18’s “Luxury of Poverty: Winning Against All Odds”, Velu’s story is one of perseverance, risk and eventual success, a common theme in the storyline of the show.
Born into lower-middle class family in rural Tamil Nadu, Velu did not have it easy. Despite scoring 97.5% marks in qualifying subjects, he failed to get into a Medical School in 1984. So he opted for next best option; he graduated in B.Pharma from BITS Pilani in 1988 and landed a job with IMI, firm distributing medical equipment. Within a few years of working at IMI, his employer offered him a partnership in the group firm Allied Healthcare in 1990. But things did not go as planned. Instead, he decided to work as a Regional head with Chiron Diagnostics in 1992 providing the spark to Velu’s entrepreneurial ambition. From the next five years, Velu travelled the globe and extensively in South east Asia and China. The international exposure helped Velu get a grasp on the market and provided him with the much-needed experience and confidence, all of which culminated into founding Trivitron Healthcare in 1997.